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Innovative Business Ideas for Supporting New Moms in South Africa

Mother’s Day came and went, but the appreciation for all moms should not end there. For anyone serious about starting a business, new moms represent a significant market simply too big to ignore. As more Millennials (and older Gen Zers) approach this phase of life, we’ll see new products and solutions that adapt to the needs of modern moms.

Postpartum Recovery, Unbundled

In South Africa, there is a growing need for comprehensive postpartum care. Many new mothers are discharged from hospitals with minimal guidance on how to care for themselves and their newborns. This gap presents a unique business opportunity to offer specialized postpartum services. You can unbundle a one-stop-shop into more affordable offers, such as:

  • Chef: Prepare personalized, nutritious meals for new moms and their babies. Or, build a hyperlocal meal delivery service for postpartum moms. Services like those offered by The Doula Effect in Cape Town show the demand for such personalized care.
  • Trainer: Help new moms find the best workout regime for their needs, whether it’s to lose the baby weight, increase strength, or pelvic floor exercises. This can be a great addition to the services provided by postnatal clinics like those at Witkoppen Clinic.
  • Counselor: Organize mental health retreats and community events to help women cope with postpartum depression, which affects many new mothers. The Mums Support Network in Durban is a great example of community-driven support for new moms.
  • Family Coach: Run a family coaching camp that helps dads, partners, and other family members get on the same page and learn how to support the new mom effectively. This can be inspired by the holistic approach of postnatal clubs in Cape Town.
boy sitting on white cloth surrounded by toys
woman in white t-shirt standing beside woman in black and white stripe shirt

Sleep Training for Babies

Exhausted parents are always on the lookout for effective sleep solutions for their infants. The demand for sleep training services and products is high. You could provide sleep boxes or individual sleep aid products for infants. Additionally, offering rental services for expensive sleep tech can be a lucrative business model. Companies like Good Night Baby offer tailored sleep consultancy services that could serve as a model.

Career Counseling

Many new moms in South Africa are balancing their careers with motherhood. Over 60% of Millennial and Gen Z moms work. You can build a counseling service for women who are considering motherhood but care deeply about their careers. Offer services that help them negotiate maternity leave, manage their time better, and recover productivity after a leave. You can also help them explore career options that better fit their new realities, such as starting an online course for new moms who want to become content creators by documenting their journey. The Mindful Return SA Chapter offers a comprehensive program to help new moms transition back to work.


The new parenthood market in South Africa is ripe with opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs. By addressing the unique needs of new moms, from postpartum recovery to sleep training and career counseling, businesses can tap into a lucrative and growing market. Stay tuned for more insights and trends in our next edition of Inside SME Trends!